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Top 3 Discord Bots for a Discord Server


When opening a public Discord server, there is typically one main goal.

That goal being to grow a community. It is meant to be a place where those who join the Discord server, join for the same reason, to discuss topics related to the overall origin of the server.

However, it can often be confusing what public Discord bots are crucial to have to grow a safe community and which Discord bots are more of an option to add to the experience. With this blog, your worry is no longer as we have outlined the top 3 Discord bots to add to your Discord server.

3. Tickets

Oftentimes, there will be a call for assistance in our Discord server community, and the constant messaging in direct messages will not only get annoying for the moderator but also for the user requesting help.

That is where a ticket system Discord bot, known as Tickets, comes into use. With a few clicks of a button, the Discord bot is ready to go and users can begin creating tickets instantly.

Now you can not only keep track of what users are saying and requesting assistance for, but also ensure your moderators are remaining polite in all situations. The addition of this ticket system Discord bot, allows you to keep members chatting in your server and away from direct messages or other Discord servers.

You can add Tickets to your Discord server by clicking, here!

2. AutoRole

When your Discord server grows to a substantial amount of members, it can often be a time-wasting task to properly deliver every user their roles, especially when a new user joins.

That is where an auto-role Discord bot aids in this. You now have the ability to not only present roles once a member joins, but add the ability to have users react to add or remove roles. This means if you wish for users to categorize themselves based on their gender, they can simply react and be given the role!

Ultimately, not only will you be able to spend more time on more important tasks, but also your users will love the ease of use to simply react and claim roles rather than waiting for a moderator to add them.

You can add AutoRole to your Discord server by clicking, here!

1. Dyno

If there is anything Discord fails at, it is allowing for ease of moderation in Discord servers. Currently, there are only two main options built into Discord;

  1. Kick the user from the Discord server

  2. Ban the user from the Discord server

However, both those options do one main thing, decrease your total user count. Once you kick a player, there is no guarantee that they will remember the name, how they found the join link, or let alone want to join again.

That is where a moderation Discord bot, like Dyno, becomes extremely helpful. For starters, it can control what links, words, images, etc. are sent in the chat keeping people from breaking the rules set in the first place. If a user is able to break the rules, Dyno adds more punishment options, such as warnings (which notify the user of their wrongdoing), and mutes (which temporarily prevent the user from messaging in chat).

Dyno allows you to keep users in your Discord server, while also keeping it a safe and enjoyable space for all to interact with.

You can add Dyno to your Discord server by clicking, here!


While we wish that this list would solve all of your Discord bot problems, that is not the case. As these three bots are of utmost priority to have on your Discord server to keep in flowing at a smooth rate, there are other options that aren't of importance.

These options are games, news, and music Discord bots. Ultimately, it is up to you to use the input from your community to cater to them and add these engaging bots that will continue to keep them coming back day after day.


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